Service Solutions: Customise e-Commerce System Solutions & Google Search Ads (SEM)
Dodo® Car Mat is one of the best and innovative car mats in Malaysia, they provide dual-layer car mats that are easy for installation, cleaning, maintenance, odourless, water-resistant, and hiding dirt. They offer various types of car mats for your vehicle, Sedan, SUV, MPV and Hatchback.
The existing e-commerce SAAS providers only focus on the mass market. Customisation isn’t the option for businesses who are serious into venturing their e-commerce channel. Businesses that goes with SAAS ecommerce platform has become the “me too” players in building their digital sales channel where their only way to be outstanding is to be very competitive in their marketing strategies which are categorised as red ocean strategies.
Company such as Dodomat makes their smart move by choosing to customise their ecommerce system based on different online strategies and customer feedback. With customisation, their strategies aren’t bound by the available SAAS system plugin options they have but they have the freedom to create their own features and provide a different user experience for their customers during their purchase online. It leaves a huge flexibility for companies to plan and to execute their strategies online and offline. Bravo Net’s role isn’t only to develop the system, but consult and provide ideas that have been used by the industry leaders to our clients.